10 Unluckiest Baby Names That Will Leave You in Awe

10 Unluckiest Baby Names That Will Leave You in Awe

What’s in a name, you say? Well, we think a lot! People choose all kinds of names to call their little ones. Some beautiful names leave us delighted, while others may be absolute shockers. Now, if some of these names leave us horrified, we can only imagine the baby’s predicament because they have to carry it their whole life! Parents can be very weird while selecting an appropriate name for their baby, and as it turns out, they can go to extremes just to stand out in the crowd. It’s true. Parents have blessed their babies with unusual names we could never imagine: so cringeworthy; you’ll ROFL. Here is a list of real baby names that are absurd, ridiculous, and bizarre without a doubt. We aren’t kidding; these are real people with perhaps the strangest possible names in history:




  1. Anarchy


You would think the parents of this baby lost a dictionary while naming them. How else can you explain a name that is sure to cause some discomfort and terror in the hearts of those who hear or utter it? Like, who wants someone with that name around? Not the ones with a regular name, let alone those in zen mode. We feel sorry for the baby who’ll have to live up to their name perhaps and cause some tremors and chaos wherever they head.


  1. Strawberry Rain


What a funny and awkward name to dump on your child! Do you wish to be called by that name for the rest of your life? *Facepalm* We are surely muddled by that name! Well, okay, you like strawberries and the rains, or maybe it rained strawberries when your baby was born. Whatever it may be, the jokes are endless, and the poor baby has to deal with the mockery till they are old enough to change it.




  1. Richard Rash


Like what? This name can just ruin anyone’s day. You got the opportunity to name a cute human, and all you could think of is “Rash”? Did the parents wish for the child to catch an infection and deal with that for an eternity? Or the one that implies foolhardiness? The innocent human definitely won’t enjoy that name, let alone utter it in front of people waiting to make a mockery of it. They’ll be made fun of for life, undoubtedly!


  1. Ninja Quest




We understand gaming is your life, and you haven’t seen the world except for creating one of your own on Minecraft. Yeah, it’s unique, we get it, but that isn’t a nice name for your baby to be proud of. In a world of crazy, this is another one on the list. We aren’t mincing words here. It just sounds terrible, embarrassing, and honestly, stupid.


  1. Thank God Limejuice


No, we aren’t laughing; you are. Actually, all of us are. Maybe it’s adorable when your baby is a month old. But imagine their plight when they grow up. Giggles all around. Yeah, that’s true. One of the worst baby names in existence, your baby will loathe it, and so will those who deal with them every day. Poor kid!


  1. Khaleesi


We totally understand their love for Game of Thrones. We were hooked just like the parents, or maybe they were slightly extra. But all they could come up with was Khaleesi? It sure makes its “unique” presence in the list of horrible names for babies. We won’t be surprised if the baby revolts against the parents as they grow up. Sigh!


  1. Abcde (Pronounce Ab-City)


We wonder who thought naming a baby with the first five consonants was cool. Is that a password? Who knows! Yes, it’s out-of-the-box but definitely a joke. It’s hard to believe that it’s a real name, but the parents actually did this to the child. This one needs to be officially banned.