"Bowie: The Heterochromatic Rescued Kitten Who Captivates Instagram with his Unique Charm and Steals Hearts"

"Bowie: The Heterochromatic Rescued Kitten Who Captivates Instagram with his Unique Charm and Steals Hearts"


Bowie the feline was named after the legendary musician David Bowie because of his unique appearance. This cute kitty came into his adoptive mother Maria Lloret’s life with different colored eyes, just like David Bowie’s anisocoria condition. However, Bowie’s heterochromia was responsible for his distinct dual eye color. Lloret shares adorable snaps of Bowie and his captivating eyes on her social media handle bowie_the_cat, which are simply too cute to resist. Heterochromia is a pigment-related condition that leads to the development of two differently colored eyes.


When felines have two different colored eyes, they’re commonly called “odd-eyed cats.” This condition is known as heterochromia and can give these furry friends a unique and striking appearance.

Typically, cats with two different colored eyes are white, but they can exhibit other colors if they possess the “white spotting gene.”

Bowie is a feline full of adventure and charm, perfectly embodying the dramatic appearance he sports.

Alicante, Spain is where he resides, and he adores exploring new territories with his mother.

Before finding a new home at a veterinarian’s office, the adorable feline used to wander the streets.

Afterward, Lloret took him in as her own and they have been residing together ever since.

After his Instagram debut, this guy’s stunning eyes have turned him into an online sensation.

There’s a certain quality in those captivating eyes that draws you in.

It brings us immense joy to witness this adorable rescue kitten receiving the affection and care he rightfully deserves.